Well, this happened on July 9, so its not so recent, but the story was asked for, so here it is. We've been working with the lambs, trying to tame them and they are enjoying the interaction. However, they are much more interested in the greenery around their yard than the harsh dirt in their pen. We've had so much to prepare for at the farm, the sheep came before we were really ready for them, so there are no other pastures fenced for them to graze in. So, our wonderful, smart little lambs have been escaping by crawling under the fence. They throw their whole bodies into in and make it through. Now, this wouldn't be too much of a problem because the area they're busting into is fenced along the perimeter (about 250'square, with a chicken/duck area inside). But, hubby has fruit trees as well as 20 new trees that we planted around the house. That's what the lambs are going for. So, on May 9th, Sunday morning about 8:15, Napoleon (the ringleader lamb) came under the fence by the new chicken house that hubby was building. Hubby was showing John and I how he could now sit on Napoleon. Of course, what 4 year old wouldn't want to do the same. So, crazy parents that we let him sit on him. At first, he slid off, but wanted to try again. Napoleon was very calm, let him sit on him, hubby stepped back, and Napoleon bolted. Bloodcurling screams later and John had a gash on the back left side of the top of his head. So we took him to the emergency room and he had 3 staples put in. Surprisingly, I was very calm during the whole ordeal. And he was really good. I took him in this past Monday to have them taken out.
Updates: I've been putting up blinds, pictures and have been searching for the right drapes for a couple of rooms. Besides the mess, the house is becoming to look like a home. We have 16 new baby quail (week old) and another sick bird in the house. One of the adult quail had an eggbinding episode and prolapse. Not pretty, I won't go into details, but I'm surprised she's still alive.
Goldie, our chicken that was attacked by a hawk is now a full fledged hen. We have a very small light green egg from her. So we now have green and brown eggs. Her "sisters" should start laying soon too.
I haven't done anything at the old house lately. Stuff keeps happening for me to use as excuses, but the main thing is, its depressing to go over there, and quite overwhelming. I enjoy being in the new house, so it makes it harder to drive the 30 miles to work over there, eve though I'm there usually for other reasons.
For those of you who know my mom, she took a fall at Denny's about a month ago and broke the bone in her arm that goes into her shoulder. It's been pretty painful for her, but she seems to be on the mend.
We have our first "party" next week. My book club is meeting here. It will be the first time in about 10 years I've been able to host book club in my home. We're reading books that pertain to chickens, Still Life with Chickens by Catherine Goldhammer, Enslaved by Ducks by Bob Tarte or Hen and the Art of Chicken Maintenance by Martin Gurdon. I gave the girls a choice between the three. It ought to be interesting discussion. And no, we're not having chicken or lamb for dinner.