Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Recent Photos

Dancing to "Carwash" at Joe's Crab Shack on Mom's Birthday.

First day of school in chapel uniform, minus school vest.

I can see clearly now!

I forgot to add this in the last post, but it deserves its own topic, I guess. After almost 40 years of wearing glasses, I can see clearly now. Hubby gave me Custom Vue Lasik surgery for our anniversary and Mother's Day. The operation was on July 6th (I think), and I'm doing pretty well. I had what is called Monovision surgery. My right eye is seeing 20/15 and my left eye allows me to read teeny tiny print. I'm still leary of night time driving though. I haven't done much of it, but what I have done is stll a little difficult. I may end up needing glasses just for driving at night. But, its pretty neat. I can see things and recognize what they are from incredible distances.

Mr. Boo Starts Kindergarten and a lot of catching up

Well, the day came and went. Not too much historical to think on, but my son is now officially a student. Of course, we were almost late getting him to school, they were lining up for chapel as we walked in the door. So, it wasn't as difficult as it could have been. It was actually a little bit of deja vu. He's at the same school, same teacher, but going 5 days instead of 2 and was wearing his chapel uniform instead of his everyday uniform. We kept him in the private school so that he can get a good foundation. I don't know if we'll keep him there after this. There are 2 boys and 5-7 girls in his class. They'll have reading, spelling, math, history, science, spanish, art, music and PE. Quite a lot for the little fellows. But, I think he'll enjoy it.

I just had the most wonderful news. One of my oldest and dearest friends just had twin daughters in June. How wonderful is that? I would love for Mr. Boo to have a brother or sister, but its looking dimmer everyday.

We've been very busy this summer. Mr. Boo spent a lot of time with my parents while I was dealing with packing up and renovating the old house. The past week we did some fun things together.

Hubby was deployed to the gulf to wait on Hurricane Dean. He left on Saturday and came back the next Wednesday when it was evident that Dean wanted to go to Mexico instead of Texas.

Farm life has been hottttttt. Those poor birds are just making it through the heat. We are selling more eggs than they can produce, so hubby wants more. I'm not so sure of that. Currently, we have 15 adolescent chicks that will lay blue/green eggs/10 baby guineas/5 young ducklings, 14 older ducks, 4 geese, 2 quail (heat got to some), 48 adult chickens, 2 adult sheep and 2 young lambs. Definitely not boring around here. We finally had the sheep sheared yesterday. We'd been having trouble finding someone, and a nice young girl from the high school helped us out.

I'm hoping that my business with Heritage Makers will increase now that I can devote more time to it. I worked at a trade show this past weekend and have a couple coming up this fall.

Well, guess that's it for now. I'll post a photo of Mr. Boo soon. The camera's in the car and I'm too lazy to get up and get it right now.


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Finished my first book!

I just finished my first Heritage Makers book. Its a brag book about our famous little house duck, Button. I haven't received my printed copy yet, its in production, but if you'd like to see it, I have placed it in the Project Gallery.

To see Cute as a Button, click here.

I also am going to my first venue in the morning, so I'm working at getting everything set. Hopefully, we will do well.

Update on the house: The old house is almost empty, garage is getting there and our friends move in next week. They have started the repairs/renovations, so it should look much different soon.

We will be hearing peeping again at our house on or around Father's Day. I purchased some Spitzhauben eggs at the Texas Chickenstock and most of them look like they are developing well. We have a few of our mixed brown eggs in there too, but it is hard to see whether they are progressing yet.

Hubby has signed up for the Texas Guard, and is like a little boy with a new toy. He's getting his uniform together and is getting ready for further training. He will be a radio man and will work when natural or manmade disasters happen here at home.

Guess that's all for now.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

A little surprise I found at the old house.

Its hard to say that clearing out an old house is fun, but I've had some fun going through boxes and finding photographs, family papers, etc. that were long forgotten. There's still a lot to do, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I wanted to share a little surprise I found the other day. This is me and my handsome brother, Ensign Eddie, on the day of his Senior prom in 1982. I have no idea what we're laughing at, but I think its a great photo. Oh, and here's how I look now. Oh, too be that tiny again, probably about as possible as John having a full brother or sister. Enjoy! Oh and Ensign, I found something you might want!

What am I doing in the recent photo? Hubby gave me a loom for my birthday last October. I've wanted one for as long as I can remember. I made a window seat cover for John's bedroom. Here's a closeup.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Well, where to begin....

Doc is getting big, he's turning into a great dog. We just completed our basic obedience training, and we are seeing some great results from him.

John turned 5 on February 1st. Wow, the time has flown. He's getting so big and learning so much. We are very proud of him.

Button, the only hatchling has captured all our hearts and has turned into a beautiful duck. She's still living in the shower, loves to follow us around and is putty in John's hands.

March 30th, we were surprised to come home to our two sheep and two babies! Josephine is a very good mama to Moses and Florence (Mo & Flo), and Napoleon is a very protective papa. We did lose Louis, the third sheep in early March. We're not quite sure what happened. We miss him alot.

Tara, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, turned 14 on March 23rd. It hard to believe so much time has gone by.

My home of 12 years will soon become the home of one of my favorite friends. We are trying to get it cleared out and fixed up for her and her family.

I've actually purchase 3 domain names and have gone "live" with my own personal website promoting my services to help families organize, scan, and celebrate their family stories and memories through powerpoint presentations and self-published storybooks.

Farm Update: Planting has been done and undone by weather and chickens, but hopefully this time we will have a good showing. Hubby planted 90 apple trees of 10 varieties to startup his pick-your-own farm venture. We're selling alot of farm fresh eggs. The poultry are doing well. We have a few hens trying to go broody and a duck who shows up occasionally to eat. She's got a nest in the middle of a hay bale. We have apples and plums showing up on the trees.

In a couple of weeks, May 9th, we will celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary.

Well, that's what we've been up to lately.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Catch up, sort of....

Life has been pretty hectic the past few months, but I plan to add some things in the next few days. Just wanted to check in and tell you about a new venture I'm going into. I've been wanting to open a business/service helping people preserve, collect, and store their images, including an end product sort of like an e-book scrapbook or powerpoint presentation. I've found a company that does just that, offers publishing of projects, as well as assistance preparing them. So today, I signed up to be a consultant for Heritage Makers. It looks like a really exciting prospect. Let me know if you might be interested in taking the journey with me.
