Sunday, February 05, 2006

Four Things Meme

I was tagged here

Four jobs I've had:
  1. Ice cream shop
  2. Bank Teller
  3. Museum Curator
  4. Mom (the best job)
Four places I've lived:

  1. Dallas Metroplex
  2. Colorado Springs, Colorado
  3. Brazosport area, Texas
  4. Lubbock, Texas

Four websites I visit daily:

  1. Yahoo Groups (Moms, Chickens, Pets, etc)
  2. Ebay
  4. Google (I look for info on lots of different stuff, right now mostly house or kid related)

Four television shows I love to watch:

  1. 1. Desperate Housewives
  2. Greys' Anatomy
  3. Extreme Home Makeover
  4. All My Children

Four of my favorite foods:

  1. Chicken Fried Steak
  2. Sliced tomatoes
  3. Enchiladas
  4. Seafood

Four albums I can't live without (at least for the moment):

I'm terribly boring and can't remember the last one I bought, probably kid related though.

  1. The Wiggles Big Red Car (when we're in the big red truck)
  2. Styx Paradise
  3. Phantom of the Opera
  4. Les Miserables

Four DVDs I can't live without (at least for the moment):

  1. Anything Thomas the Tank Engine
  2. Phantom of the Opera
  3. Gone with the Wind
  4. Showboat
Four places I'd rather be:

  1. Grand Canyon
  2. Colorado
  3. Mountains
  4. London
Four people I am tagging to do this meme are:

I don't know anyone else that does blogs, so I'm sending it to my book club and my mom's group.

This little exercise really shows you how boring my life really is.

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