Thursday, April 27, 2006

Update - Are we in yet?

I've had several people ask if we've moved into the house yet. Weeeeellll, no. Do we want to be, yes. But, I have 12+ years of my stuff crammed into this house and garage and am just now making headway into sifting through it. And that doesn't include hubby's stuff that is here. We were full when he moved in and every nook and cranny is stuffed to the brim now. We have bought a few pieces of furniture that are slowly making their way to the house. Hubby has been there for almost two months, finishing the wood floors, etc.

We've added to the farm menagerie. Three Rambouillet lambs joined us last week. They're very cute, but kind of skittish and aren't comfortable with us yet. We are anticipating a hatch of up to 56 quail eggs this weekend. I purchased 48 through the mail, so we don't really know how many will hatch. And we are also expecting a delivery of 12 chicks, 5 ducklings and 4 goslings around May 4th. So, we are swimming in birds right now.

I'll try to get some updated photos of the birds and also the lambs posted soon.


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