I'm having trouble viewing my blog, so if you can, please email me and let me know if you can see it. I may just be having trouble viewing it because the best we get on dial up out here in the country is about 14 kbps. But, all I'm seeing is a white space where text used to be.
Well, we've been here almost a week and everyone seems to be settling in. The cats have made it downstairs a few times, but they stay mostly in the master bedroom area. It sounds like a thundering herd of buffalo up there when they "playing". Of course, it depends on which cat you ask whether they're playing or not.
I now have the daunting task of emptying the other house. I'm hoping to clear out one room a day, which means I should have the house emptied by Monday of next week. But, we'll see. I'm the world's worst procrastinator.
John's MDO is having an awards/graduation ceremony tomorrow, so we are going to attend. He has learned quite a lot this past year there. Its hard to believe its over. He can now write his name, some letters and can read letters and numbers. They also can be credited for getting him potty trained. It sure wasn't me.
On another note, my cousin's daughter is not doing well. She has a young baby and has had complications ever since his birth. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Her name is LeeAnn.
Well, on for the next week. Have a good one.
I'm seeing it just fine.
I can see it now too. But for a couple of days all I saw was a white "piece of paper", at least that is what it looked like to me.
just wanted to give ya a little tip...if you're using your metro line for your dial-up..be careful...mike's mom was doing that and when the phone company realized they were using the computer on it, threatened them with back fees..but, i can read it fine...makes me want a way bigger house too! i can't take care of the one i've got now! lol!!!
Why would they do that? I don't understand what difference it makes. We use the dial up number for our area.
if waxahachie has a local number, then you shouldn't have a problem...i just remember it making shirley mad...so she had to change her phone number and has changed her internet service several times...
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