Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Well, where to begin....

Doc is getting big, he's turning into a great dog. We just completed our basic obedience training, and we are seeing some great results from him.

John turned 5 on February 1st. Wow, the time has flown. He's getting so big and learning so much. We are very proud of him.

Button, the only hatchling has captured all our hearts and has turned into a beautiful duck. She's still living in the shower, loves to follow us around and is putty in John's hands.

March 30th, we were surprised to come home to our two sheep and two babies! Josephine is a very good mama to Moses and Florence (Mo & Flo), and Napoleon is a very protective papa. We did lose Louis, the third sheep in early March. We're not quite sure what happened. We miss him alot.

Tara, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, turned 14 on March 23rd. It hard to believe so much time has gone by.

My home of 12 years will soon become the home of one of my favorite friends. We are trying to get it cleared out and fixed up for her and her family.

I've actually purchase 3 domain names and have gone "live" with my own personal website promoting my services to help families organize, scan, and celebrate their family stories and memories through powerpoint presentations and self-published storybooks.

Farm Update: Planting has been done and undone by weather and chickens, but hopefully this time we will have a good showing. Hubby planted 90 apple trees of 10 varieties to startup his pick-your-own farm venture. We're selling alot of farm fresh eggs. The poultry are doing well. We have a few hens trying to go broody and a duck who shows up occasionally to eat. She's got a nest in the middle of a hay bale. We have apples and plums showing up on the trees.

In a couple of weeks, May 9th, we will celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary.

Well, that's what we've been up to lately.



linda said...

doc is getting so CUTE!!! glad things are working out w/him...bout to say, if you had any trees or saplings left over, we'd love one in our front yard...

Suze said...

That picture was from February. I need to post some more recent ones. And the lambs are about twice the size now. I need to post their pictures and take more of them now. You should see the little apples on the trees, we have at least 50 right now.