Thursday, May 10, 2007

A little surprise I found at the old house.

Its hard to say that clearing out an old house is fun, but I've had some fun going through boxes and finding photographs, family papers, etc. that were long forgotten. There's still a lot to do, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I wanted to share a little surprise I found the other day. This is me and my handsome brother, Ensign Eddie, on the day of his Senior prom in 1982. I have no idea what we're laughing at, but I think its a great photo. Oh, and here's how I look now. Oh, too be that tiny again, probably about as possible as John having a full brother or sister. Enjoy! Oh and Ensign, I found something you might want!

What am I doing in the recent photo? Hubby gave me a loom for my birthday last October. I've wanted one for as long as I can remember. I made a window seat cover for John's bedroom. Here's a closeup.

1 comment:

Suze said...

Some of the other things I've found is my photo album of "all" the family cats/pets, recipes and diaries of my grandmother, papers regarding our German/Russian heritage, some of my exhibit photos from the Biblical Arts Center. It can at least live through photographs. Just to name a few, we've also found a few unwelcome guests of various forms of decay...yuk.